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Scientific Facial Assessment


Full-Face approach: through SFA™

SFA™ is Dr. Reema Arora’s trademarked assessment done for facial rejuvenation with injectables. The essence of a satisfactory injectable procedure is a holistic approach to the entire face instead of a piece meal approach.
In Dr. Reema Arora’s practice she works on a full-face approach with a combination treatment using BOTOX®, fillers and threads.
The concept of believable beauty and the importance of a professional assessment of the face both in men and women is required to understand the aesthetic features of a “perfect face.” The concept of a proportionate and symmetrical face, derived by dividing the face into horizontal thirds explains the importance of the upper, middle and lower face sections.
This is the science of how to create the ideal cheeks, lips, chin and fine tune the face to get the picture perfect look with the use of injectables like Botulinum toxin type A, fillers and threads.

Dr. Reema Arora uses her SFA™ approach to get excellent clinical results.
Men and women have different facial structure. An attractive and an ideal female face is considered to be of oval shape, where the top of the face gradually tapers into a sharp chin. A male face typically has a square jaw line, which gives the face a box like shape.
The scientific facial assessment (SFA) takes 30 min in which the requirement is assessed followed by the formulation of an ideal treatment plan, for a perfect face either for a male or female.

For assessment purpose the face is divided into three horizontal portions in equal proportion and symmetry.

1. Upper face (starting from hairline till the eyebrows)

The upper face has been considered a basic area for treatment with BOTOX® and threads but an advanced area for treatment with fillers. Injectable fillers may be used for temple volumization, eyebrow shaping, and forehead contouring. BOTOX® is well suited for diminishing the appearance of dynamic facial lines such as forehead, glabellar, and crow’s feet lines, and eyebrow lifting. Threads are also used for eyebrow lifting.

2. Middle face (starting from the eyebrow till the nose)

Injectable fillers are important for rejuvenation of the midface by replacing lost volume and providing structural support, BOTOX® play a smaller role in this facial region. Fillers are used for volumization and contouring of the midface regions, including the upper cheek and lid-cheek junction. Fillers are also used to shape and contour the nose. BOTOX® may be used to treat bunny lines and for elevation of the nasal tip. Threads may be used to treat the lifting of sagging cheeks. The mid-face is considered an advanced area for treatment.

3. Lower face (starting from the nose tip till the chin)

The lower face is considered an advanced area for facial aesthetic treatment. In this region, soft-tissue fillers play a more important role than BOTOX® and should be used first to provide structure and support before BOTOX® is considered for treatment of dynamic lines. Enhancement of the lips, perioral lines, and chin enhancement as well as balancing the lower face with the face overall are some of the interventions done for lower face. Correcting lip projection in the profile view and balancing the ratio of lip size to the chin is also done. The chin is often neglected, but reshaping the jawline can provide dramatic improvement in facial aesthetics. Rejuvenation of the neck region requires fillers for structural support of the chin and jawline and BOTOX® for treatment of the masseter to chisel the face. Threads are used for lifting the neck and jowls.

Scientific facial assessment (SFA) takes 30 min to do. Dr. Reema Arora will estimate the ideal proportion of the segments and symmetry of the face to create the perfect look. Accordingly she treats the area with a combination of treatment like BOTOX®, fillers, threads for both men and women.

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